Dark Angel must come back
I think that has to be said now.
Max Sais ’Thanks
Here, I will make everyone’s name public, who did support somehow, sometime, any campaign or still do.
Or fit in here in an other way in my opinion.
Websites which made publicity for, e.g. the BCD, are not named as they already are named on the banner on the site for links.
Please forgive me if I forgot someone. But five years are a long-time, and I can’t remember all names.
Again, I’m deeply indebted to someone
And now the third time goes to “deejaymoni”.
Thank you for showing me your true face after so many years..
Thank you I know now that i havent lost anything after our separation, but infact i have won and doing better than ever.
Thank you for deleting the forum, this gave me the reason and passion to lern phpBB.
Something else learned because of you :-)
And many thanks for shuting down my site, so this gave me a insentive to get my own server.
And succeeded in finally puting everything into the net quite SAFE
You dont even want to give me my domains. Even for that I thank you,
Now I have my “com” domain again and the forum again has its old original domain.
All this I owe to only you * gg *
And the chat which will always be there even tho according to you it wouldnt be.
Even for this i have to thank you. A DA fan chat is not on such a server.
And it goes on, I owe you too, I now know what true friends are and your not one.
Friends : you have to buy as a Encyclopedia to know what true friendship is because the meaning you have is false
You have no clue what true friendship is.
Since it is the last time I mention you, have fun with my domains, hope they make you happy.
I know lots of good people, but someone like you, fortunately only once.
Second, there is a volunteer here.
She makes time to the English section on the site, Laura has at the moment too little time for their.
A big "Thank You" to "Leana" not only makes it all voluntarily, no, she is also super fix it.

Thank you man ^^
And it goes on, sigh hopefully not all times do I owe must pay back *lol*
Ok, so again thank you to "deejaymoni"!
It has 2006 allows that we, after the United Forum was down, again have win forum.
You can find it so, as you know, hopefully, under www.darkangel-network.com
(>> Note : Exestanded since October 20010, the forum is no longer there You now find it on my own server at http://www.darkangel-network.de <<)
It has provided not only the server for free no, she has also installed the forum.
And save our domains too.
Thank you Moni ^^ and sorry for my whining *fg* I hope you do not have suffered too much *lol*
Again, I’m deeply indebted to someone. Very deep this time.
Because without the help of this person, if would have been definitely over with this page. Consequently with this project too. For
this reason I’m very grateful for the selfless help.
Therefore I want to thank her and say ’Thanks you very much Moni’. Without you not only the page weren’t online anymore, probably
much more would be over :-)
For all who still don’t know who’s meant ^^
Natch.. DJMONI of course. The webmaster of Jessica Alba Fanatic
Without her, the page wouldn’t exist anymore. My page runs now on here server. And because of her it’s available again.
Thanks again fort this honey, I can never make this even. But I’ll never forget what you did for me.

The next ‘Thank you’ is for Saahm23.
Because you did everything, that the BCD becomes more public.
And also for all the posts of DA sites all over the world.
And thanks for the funny nights with you ^^
You may have noticed that the site is now also available in English. All who know me do know that my English really sucks.
I would never have brought that off.
So I needed help with that, and it come by a very nice and cute girl. That this was a lot of work is clear to everyone.
So, thanks a lot to
She translated the whole page very fast. By the way also the English News are written by her.
Now everybody can understand it and don’t need to guess what I meant ;-)
Thanks my Keks (engl.: cookie) ^^ you did a great job

Two days ago I received a mail from a webmaster, I thought his page doesn’t exist anymore.
Well, to err is human.
The site still exists and the best thing is:
It is a protest site against the cancellation of Dark Angel.
In other words, it’s a page which fights for 3 years now and still creates campaigns for the continuation of Dark Angel.
And as a lot say there is no sense anymore in doing this, the page earns a lot more respect.
I love Dark Angel and as I read the page I arrived at a decision:
They need every help they can get. Even if the success is just that FOX admits that they have made a mistake, then it was worth it.
The site I’m talking from should be well known to the DA Fans. Former it was known as max-x5-452 and now as max-x5452.
The correct address is on the photo as I’m not allowed to publish links here.
It seems like there arises a Community from three websites which fought for the same aim.
Please see all addresses on the photo.
And now, the most important, there is a voting on FOX’ homepage, and we need your voice.
You’ll get all information and the web addresses if you call up the page (see photo).
Come on, lets fight together and show that Dark Angel is not forgotten!!!
I’m not concerned with these pages; I just wanted to say how great it is hat they do so much for the same matter, even if the opposition is FOX.
Someone I don’t know started a Ebay auction.
The special thing: There wasn’t anything to buy.
Instead he made propaganda for the DA-Network, the Fox voting and the Barecodeday.
And this on a few ebay pages.
Alltogether there were 6 auctions.
ebay Germany
ebay Great Britain
ebay USA
ebay Italy
ebay France
ebay Austria
A big thanks from me and the whole DA-Network.
Please note:
DON’T OFFER!!! Here is nothing sold!!!

And another campaign.
This fan was on the way in the Czech Republic.
The fan just so printed a few Flyer and also handed it out.
It was a bagatelle of 20'000 Flyers!!!!!
The idea and execution was on it’s own initiative.
In the forum the fan was never mentioned by his own request.
Modesty is an adornment. But it works without :-)
And because I know this Fan I got the approval and am allowed to mention the fan here.
A big, fat thanks from the whole DA Network and me to >>> Sam X5453<<<
Go on sister :-)
If you ask yourself if Sam is my sister, ask Saahm23 *laugh*

I want to thank this artist.
Thanks to Schaacka aka 419 who made me this super WP.
Best is, I’ll get a also banner still. *happy*
Thanks also to the fans from the „Tru Calling“ forum.
You amused us a lot.
I rarely laughed like that.
The highlight was, when Sam X5453 made fun of you in your forum .
The mod deleted the posting immediately –a fast guy-
But in true Tru Calling fans we can trust. Our post appeared in 2 other postings in the forum as you answered to it and quoted it.
Like I said, you’re unbeatable funny.
Thanks a lot fort that, :-)

Aaand a thank you to NOEX, the webmaster of Dark Angel United.
If you don’t know it, it’s the forum we all use here,
And I got administrator rights there.
Thanks alot fort he trust in me Noex.
And to the others: Behave yourself, otherwise you get trouble with maxie :-)
Spezial Thanks
All fans who participated in the BCD.
Also for the active attendance to the FOX voting.
Naturally also to the fans who remained true to me and my site.